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Child Development Guide

Each child develops at a different pace although certain developmental milestones are expected to be achieved by certain ages.

как доехать до аэропорта Шереметьево

3 Months

  • Lifs head and chest when lying on stomach
  • More head control
  • Turn towards bright colors and lights
  • Respond to loud sounds

6 Months

  • Sits with little support
  • Rolls from back to stomach
  • Moves object from hand to hand
  • Babbles more than two sounds

9 Months

  • Sits alone
  • Plays with 2 objects at the same time
  • Says sounds such as mama, baba, dada
  • Reaches for toys with either hand

12 Months

  • Pulls self to standing
  • May step with help
  • Picks things up with thumb and one finger
  • Stacks two blocks
  • May say 2 or 3 words
  • Drinks from cup

18 Months

  • Walks
  • Cimb up or down one stair
  • Partially feeds self
  • May say 5-10 words
  • Turns pages

24 Months

  • Kicks large ball
  • Points to familiar pictures
  • Asks for items by name
  • Uses 2 or 3 words together, such as "more juice"

36 Months

  • Walks up stairs
  • Stands on one foot
  • Feeds self
  • Opens door
  • Ready for toilet
  • Training
  • Likes riding toys
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