/* sCore/public/js/scripts.js */ //PRIORITY:1 /* * * Simple Global Scripts (non-module-specific) * */ function doLogin() { var userEmail = document.getElementById('userEmail').value; var userPassword = document.getElementById('userPassword').value; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "module/sCore/ajax/login.php", data: "userEmail="+userEmail+"&userPassword="+userPassword, success: function(ajaxValues){ var ajaxParts = ajaxValues.split("|"); if(ajaxParts[0] == '1') { window.location = 'home'; } else { document.getElementById('loginError').innerHTML = ajaxParts[1]; document.getElementById('userPassword').value = ""; document.getElementById('userPassword').focus(); } } }); } function logoutUser() { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "module/sCore/ajax/logout.php", success: function(ajaxValues){ window.location='home'; } }); } /* sSlide/public/js/scripts.js */ //PRIORITY:150 /* slides */ function playVimeo(videoId) { $.fancybox.open({ href : 'module/sSlide/ajax/vimeo.php?videoId='+videoId, type : 'iframe', width : 716, height : 414, autoSize : false, scrolling : 'no', openEffect : 'elastic', openSpeed : 200, closeEffect : 'elastic', closeSpeed : 200, padding : 5 }); } function playYouTube(videoId) { $.fancybox.open({ href : 'module/sSlide/ajax/youtube.php?videoId='+videoId, type : 'iframe', width : 716, height : 414, autoSize : false, scrolling : 'no', openEffect : 'elastic', openSpeed : 200, closeEffect : 'elastic', closeSpeed : 200, padding : 5 }); } /* * Slides, A Slideshow Plugin for jQuery * Intructions: http://slidesjs.com * By: Nathan Searles, http://nathansearles.com * Version: 1.1.9 * Updated: September 5th, 2011 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function($){ $.fn.slides = function( option ) { // override defaults with specified option option = $.extend( {}, $.fn.slides.option, option ); return this.each(function(){ // wrap slides in control container, make sure slides are block level $('.' + option.container, $(this)).children().wrapAll('
'); var elem = $(this), control = $('.slides_control',elem), total = control.children().size(), width = control.children().outerWidth(), height = control.children().outerHeight(), start = option.start - 1, effect = option.effect.indexOf(',') < 0 ? option.effect : option.effect.replace(' ', '').split(',')[0], paginationEffect = option.effect.indexOf(',') < 0 ? effect : option.effect.replace(' ', '').split(',')[1], next = 0, prev = 0, number = 0, current = 0, loaded, active, clicked, position, direction, imageParent, pauseTimeout, playInterval; // is there only one slide? if (total < 2) { // Fade in .slides_container $('.' + option.container, $(this)).fadeIn(option.fadeSpeed, option.fadeEasing, function(){ // let the script know everything is loaded loaded = true; // call the loaded funciton option.slidesLoaded(); }); // Hide the next/previous buttons $('.' + option.next + ', .' + option.prev).fadeOut(0); return false; } // animate slides function animate(direction, effect, clicked) { if (!active && loaded) { active = true; // start of animation option.animationStart(current + 1); switch(direction) { case 'next': // change current slide to previous prev = current; // get next from current + 1 next = current + 1; // if last slide, set next to first slide next = total === next ? 0 : next; // set position of next slide to right of previous position = width*2; // distance to slide based on width of slides direction = -width*2; // store new current slide current = next; break; case 'prev': // change current slide to previous prev = current; // get next from current - 1 next = current - 1; // if first slide, set next to last slide next = next === -1 ? total-1 : next; // set position of next slide to left of previous position = 0; // distance to slide based on width of slides direction = 0; // store new current slide current = next; break; case 'pagination': // get next from pagination item clicked, convert to number next = parseInt(clicked,10); // get previous from pagination item with class of current prev = $('.' + option.paginationClass + ' li.'+ option.currentClass +' a', elem).attr('href').match('[^#/]+$'); // if next is greater then previous set position of next slide to right of previous if (next > prev) { position = width*2; direction = -width*2; } else { // if next is less then previous set position of next slide to left of previous position = 0; direction = 0; } // store new current slide current = next; break; } // fade animation if (effect === 'fade') { // fade animation with crossfade if (option.crossfade) { // put hidden next above current control.children(':eq('+ next +')', elem).css({ zIndex: 10 // fade in next }).fadeIn(option.fadeSpeed, option.fadeEasing, function(){ }); if (option.autoHeight) { // animate container to height of next control.animate({ height: control.children(':eq('+ next +')', elem).outerHeight() }, option.autoHeightSpeed, function(){ control.children(':eq('+ prev +')', elem).fadeOut(option.fadeSpeed, option.fadeEasing, function(){ // hide previous control.children(':eq('+ prev +')', elem).css({ display: 'none', zIndex: 0 }); // reset z index control.children(':eq('+ next +')', elem).css({ zIndex: 0 }); // end of animation option.animationComplete(next + 1); active = false; }) }); } else { control.children(':eq('+ prev +')', elem).fadeOut(option.fadeSpeed, option.fadeEasing, function(){ // hide previous control.children(':eq('+ prev +')', elem).css({ display: 'none', zIndex: 0 }); // reset zindex control.children(':eq('+ next +')', elem).css({ zIndex: 0 }); // end of animation option.animationComplete(next + 1); active = false; }); } } else { // fade animation with no crossfade control.children(':eq('+ prev +')', elem).fadeOut(option.fadeSpeed, option.fadeEasing, function(){ // animate to new height if (option.autoHeight) { control.animate({ // animate container to height of next height: control.children(':eq('+ next +')', elem).outerHeight() }, option.autoHeightSpeed, // fade in next slide function(){ control.children(':eq('+ next +')', elem).fadeIn(option.fadeSpeed, option.fadeEasing); }); } else { // if fixed height control.children(':eq('+ next +')', elem).fadeIn(option.fadeSpeed, option.fadeEasing, function(){ // fix font rendering in ie, lame if($.browser.msie) { $(this).get(0).style.removeAttribute('filter'); } }); } // end of animation option.animationComplete(next + 1); active = false; }); } // slide animation } else { // move next slide to right of previous control.children(':eq('+ next +')').css({ left: position, display: 'block' }); // animate to new height if (option.autoHeight) { control.animate({ left: direction, height: control.children(':eq('+ next +')').outerHeight() },option.slideSpeed, option.slideEasing, function(){ control.css({ left: -width }); control.children(':eq('+ next +')').css({ left: width, zIndex: 5 }); // reset previous slide control.children(':eq('+ prev +')').css({ left: width, display: 'none', zIndex: 0 }); // end of animation option.animationComplete(next + 1); active = false; }); // if fixed height } else { // animate control control.animate({ left: direction },option.slideSpeed, option.slideEasing, function(){ // after animation reset control position control.css({ left: -width }); // reset and show next control.children(':eq('+ next +')').css({ left: width, zIndex: 5 }); // reset previous slide control.children(':eq('+ prev +')').css({ left: width, display: 'none', zIndex: 0 }); // end of animation option.animationComplete(next + 1); active = false; }); } } // set current state for pagination if (option.pagination) { // remove current class from all $('.'+ option.paginationClass +' li.' + option.currentClass, elem).removeClass(option.currentClass); // add current class to next $('.' + option.paginationClass + ' li:eq('+ next +')', elem).addClass(option.currentClass); } } } // end animate function function stop() { // clear interval from stored id clearInterval(elem.data('interval')); } function pause() { if (option.pause) { // clear timeout and interval clearTimeout(elem.data('pause')); clearInterval(elem.data('interval')); // pause slide show for option.pause amount pauseTimeout = setTimeout(function() { // clear pause timeout clearTimeout(elem.data('pause')); // start play interval after pause playInterval = setInterval( function(){ animate("next", effect); },option.play); // store play interval elem.data('interval',playInterval); },option.pause); // store pause interval elem.data('pause',pauseTimeout); } else { // if no pause, just stop stop(); } } // 2 or more slides required if (total < 2) { return; } // error corection for start slide if (start < 0) { start = 0; } if (start > total) { start = total - 1; } // change current based on start option number if (option.start) { current = start; } // randomizes slide order if (option.randomize) { control.randomize(); } // make sure overflow is hidden, width is set $('.' + option.container, elem).css({ overflow: 'hidden', // fix for ie position: 'relative' }); // set css for slides control.children().css({ position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: control.children().outerWidth(), zIndex: 0, display: 'none' }); // set css for control div control.css({ position: 'relative', // size of control 3 x slide width width: (width * 3), // set height to slide height height: height, // center control to slide left: -width }); // show slides $('.' + option.container, elem).css({ display: 'block' }); // if autoHeight true, get and set height of first slide if (option.autoHeight) { control.children().css({ height: 'auto' }); control.animate({ height: control.children(':eq('+ start +')').outerHeight() },option.autoHeightSpeed); } // checks if image is loaded if (option.preload && control.find('img:eq(' + start + ')').length) { // adds preload image $('.' + option.container, elem).css({ background: 'url(' + option.preloadImage + ') no-repeat 50% 50%' }); // gets image src, with cache buster var img = control.find('img:eq(' + start + ')').attr('src') + '?' + (new Date()).getTime(); // check if the image has a parent if ($('img', elem).parent().attr('class') != 'slides_control') { // If image has parent, get tag name imageParent = control.children(':eq(0)')[0].tagName.toLowerCase(); } else { // Image doesn't have parent, use image tag name imageParent = control.find('img:eq(' + start + ')'); } // checks if image is loaded control.find('img:eq(' + start + ')').attr('src', img).load(function() { // once image is fully loaded, fade in control.find(imageParent + ':eq(' + start + ')').fadeIn(option.fadeSpeed, option.fadeEasing, function(){ $(this).css({ zIndex: 5 }); // removes preload image $('.' + option.container, elem).css({ background: '' }); // let the script know everything is loaded loaded = true; // call the loaded funciton option.slidesLoaded(); }); }); } else { // if no preloader fade in start slide control.children(':eq(' + start + ')').fadeIn(option.fadeSpeed, option.fadeEasing, function(){ // let the script know everything is loaded loaded = true; // call the loaded funciton option.slidesLoaded(); }); } // click slide for next if (option.bigTarget) { // set cursor to pointer control.children().css({ cursor: 'pointer' }); // click handler control.children().click(function(){ // animate to next on slide click animate('next', effect); return false; }); } // pause on mouseover if (option.hoverPause && option.play) { control.bind('mouseover',function(){ // on mouse over stop stop(); }); control.bind('mouseleave',function(){ // on mouse leave start pause timeout pause(); }); } // generate next/prev buttons if (option.generateNextPrev) { $('.' + option.container, elem).after('Prev'); $('.' + option.prev, elem).after('Next'); } // next button $('.' + option.next ,elem).click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if (option.play) { pause(); } animate('next', effect); }); // previous button $('.' + option.prev, elem).click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if (option.play) { pause(); } animate('prev', effect); }); // generate pagination if (option.generatePagination) { // create unordered list if (option.prependPagination) { elem.prepend(''); } else { elem.append(''); } // for each slide create a list item and link control.children().each(function(){ $('.' + option.paginationClass, elem).append('
  • '+ (number+1) +'
  • '); number++; }); } else { // if pagination exists, add href w/ value of item number to links $('.' + option.paginationClass + ' li a', elem).each(function(){ $(this).attr('href', '#' + number); number++; }); } // add current class to start slide pagination $('.' + option.paginationClass + ' li:eq('+ start +')', elem).addClass(option.currentClass); // click handling $('.' + option.paginationClass + ' li a', elem ).click(function(){ // pause slideshow if (option.play) { pause(); } // get clicked, pass to animate function clicked = $(this).attr('href').match('[^#/]+$'); // if current slide equals clicked, don't do anything if (current != clicked) { animate('pagination', paginationEffect, clicked); } return false; }); // click handling $('a.link', elem).click(function(){ // pause slideshow if (option.play) { pause(); } // get clicked, pass to animate function clicked = $(this).attr('href').match('[^#/]+$') - 1; // if current slide equals clicked, don't do anything if (current != clicked) { animate('pagination', paginationEffect, clicked); } return false; }); if (option.play) { // set interval playInterval = setInterval(function() { animate('next', effect); }, option.play); // store interval id elem.data('interval',playInterval); } }); }; // default options $.fn.slides.option = { preload: false, // boolean, Set true to preload images in an image based slideshow preloadImage: '/img/loading.gif', // string, Name and location of loading image for preloader. Default is "/img/loading.gif" container: 'slides_container', // string, Class name for slides container. Default is "slides_container" generateNextPrev: false, // boolean, Auto generate next/prev buttons next: 'next', // string, Class name for next button prev: 'prev', // string, Class name for previous button pagination: true, // boolean, If you're not using pagination you can set to false, but don't have to generatePagination: true, // boolean, Auto generate pagination prependPagination: false, // boolean, prepend pagination paginationClass: 'pagination', // string, Class name for pagination currentClass: 'current', // string, Class name for current class fadeSpeed: 350, // number, Set the speed of the fading animation in milliseconds fadeEasing: '', // string, must load jQuery's easing plugin before http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/ slideSpeed: 350, // number, Set the speed of the sliding animation in milliseconds slideEasing: '', // string, must load jQuery's easing plugin before http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/ start: 1, // number, Set the speed of the sliding animation in milliseconds effect: 'slide', // string, '[next/prev], [pagination]', e.g. 'slide, fade' or simply 'fade' for both crossfade: false, // boolean, Crossfade images in a image based slideshow randomize: false, // boolean, Set to true to randomize slides play: 0, // number, Autoplay slideshow, a positive number will set to true and be the time between slide animation in milliseconds pause: 0, // number, Pause slideshow on click of next/prev or pagination. A positive number will set to true and be the time of pause in milliseconds hoverPause: false, // boolean, Set to true and hovering over slideshow will pause it autoHeight: false, // boolean, Set to true to auto adjust height autoHeightSpeed: 350, // number, Set auto height animation time in milliseconds bigTarget: false, // boolean, Set to true and the whole slide will link to next slide on click animationStart: function(){}, // Function called at the start of animation animationComplete: function(){}, // Function called at the completion of animation slidesLoaded: function() {} // Function is called when slides is fully loaded }; // Randomize slide order on load $.fn.randomize = function(callback) { function randomizeOrder() { return(Math.round(Math.random())-0.5); } return($(this).each(function() { var $this = $(this); var $children = $this.children(); var childCount = $children.length; if (childCount > 1) { $children.hide(); var indices = []; for (i=0;i 0; }, getValue = function(value, dim) { if (dim && isPercentage(value)) { value = F.getViewport()[ dim ] / 100 * parseInt(value, 10); } return Math.round(value) + 'px'; }; $.extend(F, { // The current version of fancyBox version: '2.0.5', defaults: { padding: 15, margin: 20, width: 800, height: 600, minWidth: 100, minHeight: 100, maxWidth: 9999, maxHeight: 9999, autoSize: true, autoResize: !isTouch, autoCenter : !isTouch, fitToView: true, aspectRatio: false, topRatio: 0.5, fixed: false, scrolling: 'auto', // 'auto', 'yes' or 'no' wrapCSS: '', arrows: true, closeBtn: true, closeClick: false, nextClick : false, mouseWheel: true, autoPlay: false, playSpeed: 3000, preload : 3, modal: false, loop: true, ajax: { dataType: 'html', headers: { 'X-fancyBox': true } }, keys: { next: [13, 32, 34, 39, 40], // enter, space, page down, right arrow, down arrow prev: [8, 33, 37, 38], // backspace, page up, left arrow, up arrow close: [27] // escape key }, // Override some properties index: 0, type: null, href: null, content: null, title: null, // HTML templates tpl: { wrap: '
    ', image: '', iframe: '', swf: '', error: '

    The requested content cannot be loaded.
    Please try again later.

    ', closeBtn: '
    ', next: '', prev: '' }, // Properties for each animation type // Opening fancyBox openEffect: 'fade', // 'elastic', 'fade' or 'none' openSpeed: 300, openEasing: 'swing', openOpacity: true, openMethod: 'zoomIn', // Closing fancyBox closeEffect: 'fade', // 'elastic', 'fade' or 'none' closeSpeed: 300, closeEasing: 'swing', closeOpacity: true, closeMethod: 'zoomOut', // Changing next gallery item nextEffect: 'elastic', // 'elastic', 'fade' or 'none' nextSpeed: 300, nextEasing: 'swing', nextMethod: 'changeIn', // Changing previous gallery item prevEffect: 'elastic', // 'elastic', 'fade' or 'none' prevSpeed: 300, prevEasing: 'swing', prevMethod: 'changeOut', // Enabled helpers helpers: { overlay: { speedIn: 0, speedOut: 300, opacity: 0.8, css: { cursor: 'pointer' }, closeClick: true }, title: { type: 'float' // 'float', 'inside', 'outside' or 'over' } }, // Callbacks onCancel: $.noop, // If canceling beforeLoad: $.noop, // Before loading afterLoad: $.noop, // After loading beforeShow: $.noop, // Before changing in current item afterShow: $.noop, // After opening beforeClose: $.noop, // Before closing afterClose: $.noop // After closing }, //Current state group: {}, // Selected group opts: {}, // Group options coming: null, // Element being loaded current: null, // Currently loaded element isOpen: false, // Is currently open isOpened: false, // Have been fully opened at least once wrap: null, skin: null, outer: null, inner: null, player: { timer: null, isActive: false }, // Loaders ajaxLoad: null, imgPreload: null, // Some collections transitions: {}, helpers: {}, /* * Static methods */ open: function (group, opts) { //Kill existing instances F.close(true); //Normalize group if (group && !$.isArray(group)) { group = group instanceof $ ? $(group).get() : [group]; } F.isActive = true; //Extend the defaults F.opts = $.extend(true, {}, F.defaults, opts); //All options are merged recursive except keys if ($.isPlainObject(opts) && opts.keys !== undefined) { F.opts.keys = opts.keys ? $.extend({}, F.defaults.keys, opts.keys) : false; } F.group = group; F._start(F.opts.index || 0); }, cancel: function () { if (F.coming && false === F.trigger('onCancel')) { return; } F.coming = null; F.hideLoading(); if (F.ajaxLoad) { F.ajaxLoad.abort(); } F.ajaxLoad = null; if (F.imgPreload) { F.imgPreload.onload = F.imgPreload.onabort = F.imgPreload.onerror = null; } }, close: function (a) { F.cancel(); if (!F.current || false === F.trigger('beforeClose')) { return; } F.unbindEvents(); //If forced or is still opening then remove immediately if (!F.isOpen || (a && a[0] === true)) { $('.fancybox-wrap').stop().trigger('onReset').remove(); F._afterZoomOut(); } else { F.isOpen = F.isOpened = false; $('.fancybox-item, .fancybox-nav').remove(); F.wrap.stop(true).removeClass('fancybox-opened'); F.inner.css('overflow', 'hidden'); F.transitions[F.current.closeMethod](); } }, // Start/stop slideshow play: function (a) { var clear = function () { clearTimeout(F.player.timer); }, set = function () { clear(); if (F.current && F.player.isActive) { F.player.timer = setTimeout(F.next, F.current.playSpeed); } }, stop = function () { clear(); $('body').unbind('.player'); F.player.isActive = false; F.trigger('onPlayEnd'); }, start = function () { if (F.current && (F.current.loop || F.current.index < F.group.length - 1)) { F.player.isActive = true; $('body').bind({ 'afterShow.player onUpdate.player': set, 'onCancel.player beforeClose.player': stop, 'beforeLoad.player': clear }); set(); F.trigger('onPlayStart'); } }; if (F.player.isActive || (a && a[0] === false)) { stop(); } else { start(); } }, next: function () { if (F.current) { F.jumpto(F.current.index + 1); } }, prev: function () { if (F.current) { F.jumpto(F.current.index - 1); } }, jumpto: function (index) { if (!F.current) { return; } index = parseInt(index, 10); if (F.group.length > 1 && F.current.loop) { if (index >= F.group.length) { index = 0; } else if (index < 0) { index = F.group.length - 1; } } if (F.group[index] !== undefined) { F.cancel(); F._start(index); } }, reposition: function (e, onlyAbsolute) { var pos; if (F.isOpen) { pos = F._getPosition(onlyAbsolute); if (e && e.type === 'scroll') { delete pos.position; F.wrap.stop(true, true).animate(pos, 200); } else { F.wrap.css(pos); } } }, update: function (e) { if (!F.isOpen) { return; } // Run this code after a delay for better performance if (!didResize) { resizeTimer = setTimeout(function () { var current = F.current, anyway = !e || (e && e.type === 'orientationchange'); if (didResize) { didResize = false; if (!current) { return; } if ((!e || e.type !== 'scroll') || anyway) { if (current.autoSize && current.type !== 'iframe') { F.inner.height('auto'); current.height = F.inner.height(); } if (current.autoResize || anyway) { F._setDimension(); } if (current.canGrow && current.type !== 'iframe') { F.inner.height('auto'); } } if (current.autoCenter || anyway) { F.reposition(e); } F.trigger('onUpdate'); } }, 200); } didResize = true; }, toggle: function () { if (F.isOpen) { F.current.fitToView = !F.current.fitToView; F.update(); } }, hideLoading: function () { D.unbind('keypress.fb'); $('#fancybox-loading').remove(); }, showLoading: function () { F.hideLoading(); //If user will press the escape-button, the request will be canceled D.bind('keypress.fb', function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 27) { e.preventDefault(); F.cancel(); } }); $('
    ').click(F.cancel).appendTo('body'); }, getViewport: function () { // See http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/6724 return { x: W.scrollLeft(), y: W.scrollTop(), w: isTouch && window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : W.width(), h: isTouch && window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : W.height() }; }, // Unbind the keyboard / clicking actions unbindEvents: function () { if (F.wrap) { F.wrap.unbind('.fb'); } D.unbind('.fb'); W.unbind('.fb'); }, bindEvents: function () { var current = F.current, keys = current.keys; if (!current) { return; } W.bind('resize.fb orientationchange.fb' + (current.autoCenter && !current.fixed ? ' scroll.fb' : ''), F.update); if (keys) { D.bind('keydown.fb', function (e) { var code, target = e.target || e.srcElement; // Ignore key combinations and key events within form elements if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.metaKey && !(target && (target.type || $(target).is('[contenteditable]')))) { code = e.keyCode; if ($.inArray(code, keys.close) > -1) { F.close(); e.preventDefault(); } else if ($.inArray(code, keys.next) > -1) { F.next(); e.preventDefault(); } else if ($.inArray(code, keys.prev) > -1) { F.prev(); e.preventDefault(); } } }); } if ($.fn.mousewheel && current.mouseWheel && F.group.length > 1) { F.wrap.bind('mousewheel.fb', function (e, delta) { var target = e.target || null; if (delta !== 0 && (!target || target.clientHeight === 0 || (target.scrollHeight === target.clientHeight && target.scrollWidth === target.clientWidth))) { e.preventDefault(); F[delta > 0 ? 'prev' : 'next'](); } }); } }, trigger: function (event, o) { var ret, obj = o || F[ $.inArray(event, ['onCancel', 'beforeLoad', 'afterLoad']) > -1 ? 'coming' : 'current' ]; if (!obj) { return; } if ($.isFunction( obj[event] )) { ret = obj[event].apply(obj, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } if (ret === false) { return false; } if (obj.helpers) { $.each(obj.helpers, function (helper, opts) { if (opts && $.isPlainObject(F.helpers[helper]) && $.isFunction(F.helpers[helper][event])) { F.helpers[helper][event](opts, obj); } }); } $.event.trigger(event + '.fb'); }, isImage: function (str) { return isString(str) && str.match(/\.(jpe?g|gif|png|bmp)((\?|#).*)?$/i); }, isSWF: function (str) { return isString(str) && str.match(/\.(swf)((\?|#).*)?$/i); }, _start: function (index) { var coming = {}, element = F.group[index] || null, isDom, href, type, rez, hrefParts; if (element && (element.nodeType || element instanceof $)) { isDom = true; if ($.metadata) { coming = $(element).metadata(); } } coming = $.extend(true, {}, F.opts, {index : index, element : element}, ($.isPlainObject(element) ? element : coming)); // Re-check overridable options $.each(['href', 'title', 'content', 'type'], function(i,v) { coming[v] = F.opts[ v ] || (isDom && $(element).attr( v )) || coming[ v ] || null; }); // Convert margin property to array - top, right, bottom, left if (typeof coming.margin === 'number') { coming.margin = [coming.margin, coming.margin, coming.margin, coming.margin]; } // 'modal' propery is just a shortcut if (coming.modal) { $.extend(true, coming, { closeBtn : false, closeClick: false, nextClick : false, arrows : false, mouseWheel : false, keys : null, helpers: { overlay : { css: { cursor : 'auto' }, closeClick : false } } }); } //Give a chance for callback or helpers to update coming item (type, title, etc) F.coming = coming; if (false === F.trigger('beforeLoad')) { F.coming = null; return; } type = coming.type; href = coming.href || element; ///Check if content type is set, if not, try to get if (!type) { if (isDom) { type = $(element).data('fancybox-type'); if (!type) { rez = element.className.match(/fancybox\.(\w+)/); type = rez ? rez[1] : null; } } if (!type && isString(href)) { if (F.isImage(href)) { type = 'image'; } else if (F.isSWF(href)) { type = 'swf'; } else if (href.match(/^#/)) { type = 'inline'; } } // ...if not - display element itself if (!type) { type = isDom ? 'inline' : 'html'; } coming.type = type; } // Check before try to load; 'inline' and 'html' types need content, others - href if (type === 'inline' || type === 'html') { if (!coming.content) { if (type === 'inline') { coming.content = $( isString(href) ? href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '') : href ); //strip for ie7 } else { coming.content = element; } } if (!coming.content || !coming.content.length) { type = null; } } else if (!href) { type = null; } /* * Add reference to the group, so it`s possible to access from callbacks, example: * afterLoad : function() { * this.title = 'Image ' + (this.index + 1) + ' of ' + this.group.length + (this.title ? ' - ' + this.title : ''); * } */ if (type === 'ajax' && isString(href)) { hrefParts = href.split(/\s+/, 2); href = hrefParts.shift(); coming.selector = hrefParts.shift(); } coming.href = href; coming.group = F.group; coming.isDom = isDom; switch (type) { case 'image': F._loadImage(); break; case 'ajax': F._loadAjax(); break; case 'inline': case 'iframe': case 'swf': case 'html': F._afterLoad(); break; default: F._error( 'type' ); } }, _error: function ( type ) { F.hideLoading(); $.extend(F.coming, { type : 'html', autoSize : true, minWidth : 0, minHeight : 0, padding : 15, hasError : type, content : F.coming.tpl.error }); F._afterLoad(); }, _loadImage: function () { // Reset preload image so it is later possible to check "complete" property var img = F.imgPreload = new Image(); img.onload = function () { this.onload = this.onerror = null; F.coming.width = this.width; F.coming.height = this.height; F._afterLoad(); }; img.onerror = function () { this.onload = this.onerror = null; F._error( 'image' ); }; img.src = F.coming.href; if (img.complete === undefined || !img.complete) { F.showLoading(); } }, _loadAjax: function () { F.showLoading(); F.ajaxLoad = $.ajax($.extend({}, F.coming.ajax, { url: F.coming.href, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus) { if (F.coming && textStatus !== 'abort') { F._error( 'ajax', jqXHR ); } else { F.hideLoading(); } }, success: function (data, textStatus) { if (textStatus === 'success') { F.coming.content = data; F._afterLoad(); } } })); }, _preloadImages: function() { var group = F.group, current = F.current, len = group.length, item, href, i, cnt = Math.min(current.preload, len - 1); if (!current.preload || group.length < 2) { return; } for (i = 1; i <= cnt; i += 1) { item = group[ (current.index + i ) % len ]; href = item.href || $( item ).attr('href') || item; if (item.type === 'image' || F.isImage(href)) { new Image().src = href; } } }, _afterLoad: function () { F.hideLoading(); if (!F.coming || false === F.trigger('afterLoad', F.current)) { F.coming = false; return; } if (F.isOpened) { $('.fancybox-item, .fancybox-nav').remove(); F.wrap.stop(true).removeClass('fancybox-opened'); F.inner.css('overflow', 'hidden'); F.transitions[F.current.prevMethod](); } else { $('.fancybox-wrap').stop().trigger('onReset').remove(); F.trigger('afterClose'); } F.unbindEvents(); F.isOpen = false; F.current = F.coming; //Build the neccessary markup F.wrap = $(F.current.tpl.wrap).addClass('fancybox-' + (isTouch ? 'mobile' : 'desktop') + ' fancybox-type-' + F.current.type + ' fancybox-tmp ' + F.current.wrapCSS).appendTo('body'); F.skin = $('.fancybox-skin', F.wrap).css('padding', getValue(F.current.padding)); F.outer = $('.fancybox-outer', F.wrap); F.inner = $('.fancybox-inner', F.wrap); F._setContent(); }, _setContent: function () { var current = F.current, content = current.content, type = current.type, minWidth = current.minWidth, minHeight = current.minHeight, maxWidth = current.maxWidth, maxHeight = current.maxHeight, loadingBay; switch (type) { case 'inline': case 'ajax': case 'html': if (current.selector) { content = $('
    ').html(content).find(current.selector); } else if (content instanceof $) { if (content.parent().hasClass('fancybox-inner')) { content.parents('.fancybox-wrap').unbind('onReset'); } content = content.show().detach(); $(F.wrap).bind('onReset', function () { content.appendTo('body').hide(); }); } if (current.autoSize) { loadingBay = $('
    ') .appendTo('body') .css({ minWidth : getValue(minWidth, 'w'), minHeight : getValue(minHeight, 'h'), maxWidth : getValue(maxWidth, 'w'), maxHeight : getValue(maxHeight, 'h') }) .append(content); current.width = loadingBay.width(); current.height = loadingBay.height(); // Re-check to fix 1px bug in some browsers loadingBay.width( F.current.width ); if (loadingBay.height() > current.height) { loadingBay.width(current.width + 1); current.width = loadingBay.width(); current.height = loadingBay.height(); } content = loadingBay.contents().detach(); loadingBay.remove(); } break; case 'image': content = current.tpl.image.replace('{href}', current.href); current.aspectRatio = true; break; case 'swf': content = current.tpl.swf.replace(/\{width\}/g, current.width).replace(/\{height\}/g, current.height).replace(/\{href\}/g, current.href); break; case 'iframe': content = $(current.tpl.iframe.replace('{rnd}', new Date().getTime()) ) .attr('scrolling', current.scrolling) .attr('src', current.href); current.scrolling = isTouch ? 'scroll' : 'auto'; break; } if (type === 'image' || type === 'swf') { current.autoSize = false; current.scrolling = 'visible'; } if (type === 'iframe' && current.autoSize) { F.showLoading(); F._setDimension(); F.inner.css('overflow', current.scrolling); content.bind({ onCancel : function() { $(this).unbind(); F._afterZoomOut(); }, load : function() { F.hideLoading(); try { if (this.contentWindow.document.location) { F.current.height = $(this).contents().find('body').height(); } } catch (e) { F.current.autoSize = false; } F[ F.isOpen ? '_afterZoomIn' : '_beforeShow'](); } }).appendTo(F.inner); } else { F.inner.append(content); F._beforeShow(); } }, _beforeShow : function() { F.coming = null; //Give a chance for helpers or callbacks to update elements F.trigger('beforeShow'); //Set initial dimensions and hide F._setDimension(); F.wrap.hide().removeClass('fancybox-tmp'); F.bindEvents(); F._preloadImages(); F.transitions[ F.isOpened ? F.current.nextMethod : F.current.openMethod ](); }, _setDimension: function () { var wrap = F.wrap, inner = F.inner, current = F.current, viewport = F.getViewport(), margin = current.margin, padding2 = current.padding * 2, width = current.width, height = current.height, maxWidth = current.maxWidth + padding2, maxHeight = current.maxHeight + padding2, minWidth = current.minWidth + padding2, minHeight = current.minHeight + padding2, ratio, height_; viewport.w -= (margin[1] + margin[3]); viewport.h -= (margin[0] + margin[2]); if (isPercentage(width)) { width = (((viewport.w - padding2) * parseFloat(width)) / 100); } if (isPercentage(height)) { height = (((viewport.h - padding2) * parseFloat(height)) / 100); } ratio = width / height; width += padding2; height += padding2; if (current.fitToView) { maxWidth = Math.min(viewport.w, maxWidth); maxHeight = Math.min(viewport.h, maxHeight); } if (current.aspectRatio) { if (width > maxWidth) { width = maxWidth; height = ((width - padding2) / ratio) + padding2; } if (height > maxHeight) { height = maxHeight; width = ((height - padding2) * ratio) + padding2; } if (width < minWidth) { width = minWidth; height = ((width - padding2) / ratio) + padding2; } if (height < minHeight) { height = minHeight; width = ((height - padding2) * ratio) + padding2; } } else { width = Math.max(minWidth, Math.min(width, maxWidth)); height = Math.max(minHeight, Math.min(height, maxHeight)); } width = Math.round(width); height = Math.round(height); //Reset dimensions $(wrap.add(inner)).width('auto').height('auto'); inner.width(width - padding2).height(height - padding2); wrap.width(width); height_ = wrap.height(); // Real wrap height //Fit wrapper inside if (width > maxWidth || height_ > maxHeight) { while ((width > maxWidth || height_ > maxHeight) && width > minWidth && height_ > minHeight) { height = height - 10; if (current.aspectRatio) { width = Math.round(((height - padding2) * ratio) + padding2); if (width < minWidth) { width = minWidth; height = ((width - padding2) / ratio) + padding2; } } else { width = width - 10; } inner.width(width - padding2).height(height - padding2); wrap.width(width); height_ = wrap.height(); } } current.dim = { width : getValue(width), height : getValue(height_) }; current.canGrow = current.autoSize && height > minHeight && height < maxHeight; current.canShrink = false; current.canExpand = false; if ((width - padding2) < current.width || (height - padding2) < current.height) { current.canExpand = true; } else if ((width > viewport.w || height_ > viewport.h) && width > minWidth && height > minHeight) { current.canShrink = true; } F.innerSpace = height_ - padding2 - inner.height(); }, _getPosition: function (onlyAbsolute) { var current = F.current, viewport = F.getViewport(), margin = current.margin, width = F.wrap.width() + margin[1] + margin[3], height = F.wrap.height() + margin[0] + margin[2], rez = { position: 'absolute', top : margin[0] + viewport.y, left : margin[3] + viewport.x }; if (current.autoCenter && current.fixed && !onlyAbsolute && height <= viewport.h && width <= viewport.w) { rez = { position: 'fixed', top : margin[0], left : margin[3] }; } rez.top = getValue(Math.max(rez.top, rez.top + ((viewport.h - height) * current.topRatio))); rez.left = getValue(Math.max(rez.left, rez.left + ((viewport.w - width) * 0.5))); return rez; }, _afterZoomIn: function () { var current = F.current, scrolling = current ? current.scrolling : 'no'; if (!current) { return; } F.isOpen = F.isOpened = true; F.wrap.addClass('fancybox-opened'); F.inner.css('overflow', scrolling === 'yes' ? 'scroll' : (scrolling === 'no' ? 'hidden' : scrolling)); F.trigger('afterShow'); F.update(); //Assign a click event if (current.closeClick || current.nextClick) { F.inner.css('cursor', 'pointer').bind('click.fb', function(e) { if (!$(e.target).is('a') && !$(e.target).parent().is('a')) { F[ current.closeClick ? 'close' : 'next' ](); } }); } //Create a close button if (current.closeBtn) { $(current.tpl.closeBtn).appendTo(F.skin).bind('click.fb', F.close); } //Create navigation arrows if (current.arrows && F.group.length > 1) { if (current.loop || current.index > 0) { $(current.tpl.prev).appendTo(F.outer).bind('click.fb', F.prev); } if (current.loop || current.index < F.group.length - 1) { $(current.tpl.next).appendTo(F.outer).bind('click.fb', F.next); } } if (F.opts.autoPlay && !F.player.isActive) { F.opts.autoPlay = false; F.play(); } }, _afterZoomOut: function () { var current = F.current; F.wrap.trigger('onReset').remove(); $.extend(F, { group: {}, opts: {}, current: null, isActive: false, isOpened: false, isOpen: false, wrap: null, skin: null, outer: null, inner: null }); F.trigger('afterClose', current); } }); /* * Default transitions */ F.transitions = { getOrigPosition: function () { var current = F.current, element = current.element, padding = current.padding, orig = $(current.orig), pos = {}, width = 50, height = 50, viewport; if (!orig.length && current.isDom && $(element).is(':visible')) { orig = $(element).find('img:first'); if (!orig.length) { orig = $(element); } } if (orig.length) { pos = orig.offset(); if (orig.is('img')) { width = orig.outerWidth(); height = orig.outerHeight(); } } else { viewport = F.getViewport(); pos.top = viewport.y + (viewport.h - height) * 0.5; pos.left = viewport.x + (viewport.w - width) * 0.5; } pos = { top : getValue(pos.top - padding), left : getValue(pos.left - padding), width : getValue(width + padding * 2), height : getValue(height + padding * 2) }; return pos; }, step: function (now, fx) { var prop = fx.prop, value, ratio; if (prop === 'width' || prop === 'height') { value = Math.ceil(now - (F.current.padding * 2)); if (prop === 'height') { ratio = (now - fx.start) / (fx.end - fx.start); if (fx.start > fx.end) { ratio = 1 - ratio; } value -= F.innerSpace * ratio; } F.inner[prop](value); } }, zoomIn: function () { var wrap = F.wrap, current = F.current, effect = current.openEffect, elastic = effect === 'elastic', dim = current.dim, startPos = $.extend({}, dim, F._getPosition( elastic )), endPos = $.extend({opacity : 1}, startPos); //Remove "position" property that breaks older IE delete endPos.position; if (elastic) { startPos = this.getOrigPosition(); if (current.openOpacity) { startPos.opacity = 0; } F.outer.add(F.inner).width('auto').height('auto'); } else if (effect === 'fade') { startPos.opacity = 0; } wrap.css(startPos) .show() .animate(endPos, { duration : effect === 'none' ? 0 : current.openSpeed, easing : current.openEasing, step : elastic ? this.step : null, complete : F._afterZoomIn }); }, zoomOut: function () { var wrap = F.wrap, current = F.current, effect = current.openEffect, elastic = effect === 'elastic', endPos = {opacity : 0}; if (elastic) { if (wrap.css('position') === 'fixed') { wrap.css(F._getPosition(true)); } endPos = this.getOrigPosition(); if (current.closeOpacity) { endPos.opacity = 0; } } wrap.animate(endPos, { duration : effect === 'none' ? 0 : current.closeSpeed, easing : current.closeEasing, step : elastic ? this.step : null, complete : F._afterZoomOut }); }, changeIn: function () { var wrap = F.wrap, current = F.current, effect = current.nextEffect, elastic = effect === 'elastic', startPos = F._getPosition( elastic ), endPos = { opacity : 1 }; startPos.opacity = 0; if (elastic) { startPos.top = getValue(parseInt(startPos.top, 10) - 200); endPos.top = '+=200px'; } wrap.css(startPos) .show() .animate(endPos, { duration : effect === 'none' ? 0 : current.nextSpeed, easing : current.nextEasing, complete : F._afterZoomIn }); }, changeOut: function () { var wrap = F.wrap, current = F.current, effect = current.prevEffect, endPos = { opacity : 0 }, cleanUp = function () { $(this).trigger('onReset').remove(); }; wrap.removeClass('fancybox-opened'); if (effect === 'elastic') { endPos.top = '+=200px'; } wrap.animate(endPos, { duration : effect === 'none' ? 0 : current.prevSpeed, easing : current.prevEasing, complete : cleanUp }); } }; /* * Overlay helper */ F.helpers.overlay = { overlay: null, update: function () { var width, scrollWidth, offsetWidth; //Reset width/height so it will not mess this.overlay.width('100%').height('100%'); if ($.browser.msie || isTouch) { scrollWidth = Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollWidth, document.body.scrollWidth); offsetWidth = Math.max(document.documentElement.offsetWidth, document.body.offsetWidth); width = scrollWidth < offsetWidth ? W.width() : scrollWidth; } else { width = D.width(); } this.overlay.width(width).height(D.height()); }, beforeShow: function (opts) { if (this.overlay) { return; } opts = $.extend(true, {}, F.defaults.helpers.overlay, opts); this.overlay = $('
    ').css(opts.css).appendTo('body'); if (opts.closeClick) { this.overlay.bind('click.fb', F.close); } if (F.current.fixed && !isTouch) { this.overlay.addClass('overlay-fixed'); } else { this.update(); this.onUpdate = function () { this.update(); }; } this.overlay.fadeTo(opts.speedIn, opts.opacity); }, afterClose: function (opts) { if (this.overlay) { this.overlay.fadeOut(opts.speedOut || 0, function () { $(this).remove(); }); } this.overlay = null; } }; /* * Title helper */ F.helpers.title = { beforeShow: function (opts) { var title, text = F.current.title; if (text) { title = $('
    ' + text + '
    ').appendTo('body'); if (opts.type === 'float') { //This helps for some browsers title.width(title.width()); title.wrapInner(''); //Increase bottom margin so this title will also fit into viewport F.current.margin[2] += Math.abs(parseInt(title.css('margin-bottom'), 10)); } title.appendTo(opts.type === 'over' ? F.inner : (opts.type === 'outside' ? F.wrap : F.skin)); } } }; // jQuery plugin initialization $.fn.fancybox = function (options) { var that = $(this), selector = this.selector || '', index, run = function(e) { var what = this, idx = index, relType, relVal; if (!(e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.shiftKey || e.metaKey) && !$(what).is('.fancybox-wrap')) { e.preventDefault(); relType = options.groupAttr || 'data-fancybox-group'; relVal = $(what).attr(relType); if (!relVal) { relType = 'rel'; relVal = what[ relType ]; } if (relVal && relVal !== '' && relVal !== 'nofollow') { what = selector.length ? $(selector) : that; what = what.filter('[' + relType + '="' + relVal + '"]'); idx = what.index(this); } options.index = idx; F.open(what, options); } }; options = options || {}; index = options.index || 0; if (selector) { D.undelegate(selector, 'click.fb-start').delegate(selector, 'click.fb-start', run); } else { that.unbind('click.fb-start').bind('click.fb-start', run); } return this; }; // Test for fixedPosition needs a body at doc ready $(document).ready(function() { F.defaults.fixed = $.support.fixedPosition || (!($.browser.msie && $.browser.version <= 6) && !isTouch); }); }(window, document, jQuery)); /* sShipping/public/js/scripts.js */ //PRIORITY:190 /* shipping scripts */ function selectShipMethod(purchaseId, shipOptCode, shipPriceQuote) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "module/sShipping/ajax/selectShipMethod.php", data: "purchaseId="+purchaseId+"&shipOptCode="+shipOptCode+"&shipPriceQuote="+shipPriceQuote, success: function(ajaxValues){ //alert(ajaxValues); //document.getElementById('checkoutTotal').innerHTML = ajaxValues; } }); } /* tooltip/public/js/scripts.js */ //PRIORITY:110 /* tooltip */ /** * jquery.simpletip 1.3.1. A simple tooltip plugin * * Copyright (c) 2009 Craig Thompson * http://craigsworks.com * * Licensed under GPLv3 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * Launch : February 2009 * Version : 1.3.1 * Released: February 5, 2009 - 11:04am */ (function($){function Simpletip(elem,conf){var self=this;elem=jQuery(elem);var tooltip=jQuery(document.createElement('div')).addClass(conf.baseClass).addClass((conf.fixed)?conf.fixedClass:'').addClass((conf.persistent)?conf.persistentClass:'').html(conf.content).appendTo(elem);if(!conf.hidden)tooltip.show();else tooltip.hide();if(!conf.persistent){elem.hover(function(event){self.show(event)},function(){self.hide()});if(!conf.fixed){elem.mousemove(function(event){if(tooltip.css('display')!=='none')self.updatePos(event);});};}else {elem.click(function(event){if(event.target===elem.get(0)){if(tooltip.css('display')!=='none')self.hide();else self.show();};});jQuery(window).mousedown(function(event){if(tooltip.css('display')!=='none'){var 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